August 09 2021 – Aqua+ Series Indonesia



Apa itu 60-Day Money Back Guarantee?

Aqua+ Series bangga telah berhasil mengembangkan produk dengan teknologi dan bahan-bahan berkualitas tinggi, sehingga kami yakin Aqua+ Series akan membawa perubahan yang terbaik untuk kulit wajah kamu dengan memberikan hak istimewa bagi setiap pelanggan berupa 60 Hari Garansi Uang Kembali selama proses pemakaian produk.

Aqua+ Series is honored/proud to develop a line of products with cutting-edge technologies and high quality ingredients. As Aqua+ Series hold your satisfaction in highest regards, we are confident to bring the best results upon your skin and we offer each of our treasured customers a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee during the product's usage.

We treasure our customers' satisfaction.


Kapan kamu dapat menggunakan program 60-Day Money Back Guarantee?

Saat kulit wajah kamu mengalami breakout atau alergi setelah menggunakan produk Aqua+ Series. Hal ini mungkin terjadi, Aqua+ Series memahami dan menghargai bahwa kondisi setiap kulit itu berbeda.

When there is a breakout or allergic occurrence that follows a treatment from one of Aqua+ Series products. These things might arise, Aqua+ Series understand and appreciate the fact that everybody is special and every skin is each of their own. 

Reach us through our email askaquaplus@optimoglobal.com


Bagaimana caranya menggunakan program 60-Day Money Back Guarantee?

Garansi ini berlaku untuk pembelian produk Aqua+ Series Indonesia di semua platform  baik melalui Website, Market Places, Salesperson maupun Reseller resmi kami dengan cara mengirimkan bukti berupa foto dan video sebelum dan sesudah penggunaan produk  melalui alamat email kami di; askaquaplus@optimoglobal.com 

This privilege is valid for every purchase of Aqua+ Series Indonesia in all of our platforms, such as: Website, Market Places, Salesperson or Official Resellers by sending us photos and videos of the before and after treatment of our products. Send the requirements by reaching us directly through our email at askaquaplus@optimoglobal.com 

Berapa lama proses pengembalian dana dari program 60-Day Money Back Guarantee ini mengambil waktu? 

Pengembalian dana akan diproses dalam waktu 14 hari kerja pada pukul 08.00 - 16.00 WIB tidak terhitung tanggal merah dan hari libur bersama. 

The refund will be processed within 14 day of working day at 08.00 - 16.00 WIB, with the exceptions of national holidays and mass leaves.

Tagged: Aqua+ Series, Beauty News


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